Home Pop Culture Fashionista The Most Beautiful Jewelry Trends 2021 you will surely be excited to...

The Most Beautiful Jewelry Trends 2021 you will surely be excited to wear


Interestingly, any girl who has heard the iconic song ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ starring Marilyn Monroe knows the value of real jewelry. Surprisingly, not only am I humming this tune to myself nowadays but the song has triggered a mild obsession with jewelry again.

Let me add that waist-up dressing has always been a vital part of one’s look. Since Covid-19 has taken over the world with a storm, conference calls, visual meetings, family get-together parties and everything in between has all shifted to the digital world. Hence, jewelry designers and trendsetters suggest propping up simple clothing with accessories is the way to create the ideal halo effect today.

Let’s take a look at what the trend shift is and what is considered as stylish and fashionable in 2021.

The Trend Shift is Inevitable

Whether we like it or not, the truth is that covid-19 has actually brought a sudden change in everyone’s lives. Not only are we witnessing an economic shift, but we can also see how designers are setting new trends according to the current circumstances.

The trend shift is inevitable. With everything becoming digitalized, there is no room to introduce anything exceptional when it comes to waist-below dressing. While our shoes always did all the talking, however, it is not the same case today.

Adding a pop of accessories on the ears, nose, neck, arms or even fingers is adding more value to the overall look than ever before.

Color is the Season’s Gift

I have always been a huge fan of semi precious stones. While all the girls drooled over diamonds, I was more of a Ruby and Sapphire girl. Still am!

Interestingly, color is the news of the season and it is a pleasant sight for sore eyes. Not only will it make you look fresh and pretty but will also bring you under the spotlight instantly. Wearing a pop of neon, yellow, red, or even green will catch the eye instantly. Don’t know where to shop from? Here are the top Jewelry stores in Pakistan to get your favorite piece from.

Afzal Jewelers

Interestingly, Afzal Jewelers scored an award for the ‘Best Jewelers Award 2017’ at IPPA London. It is safe to say that Afzal Jewelers own and design extraordinary pieces you simply cannot take eyes off from.

From stunning 3 piece sets to 6 bangle sets, Karras and even choker sets; you name it, they will showcase it.

This year, find your favorite arm accessories at Afzal’s with a pop of interesting colors. Don’t you simply adore this peacock bracelet with beautiful sapphires and emeralds intricately merged together to create the feathers? Order this online.

Aesthetic Rainbow Inspired Neckline wear

Color pop at the neckline speaks volumes this year. Hence, if you are a necklace lover, now is the time to indulge in aesthetic neckwear shopping to become the talk of the town.

Moreover, get inspired by an extraordinary color pop by merging more than 3 colored precious stones together to create a unique necklace. Interestingly, aquamarine, topaz, amethyst, alexandrite, and zircons are playing a pivotal role in this trend.

If you want to order your unique necklace for your big day, take it from Qadeer Jewelers because no one can do such an incredible job like they did.

Qadeer Jewelers

Qadeer Jewelers is a family owned business in F-7, Islamabad since decades. Not only is their craftsmanship reliable but the designs they offer are unique, stunning and eye catching.

Today, this bride named Mayal Behram Raj became the talk of the town because of her exceptionally designed clothes as well as the complimentary jewelry.

This pure gold 24 Karat set speaks volume about class and style as it is uniquely and intricately designed. Moreover, the aquamarine and pink tourmaline/ pink zircon bring an exclusive pastel rainbow coalition no one has seen before.

You can also witness diamonds and other gemstones intricately placed together to create this masterpiece set. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Chain it Up

Chunky chains dominated the runways back in the day too. In short, they are making a comeback again. Over-sized hoops, big chains in monochrome colors are entering the realm with a bang. Moreover, if you wear glasses, you can add a chain string to it to make your way to the stylista section instantly.


Lexception recently joined the jeweler team in Pakistan, providing artificial, silver and gold plated jewelry to women of all ages. You can find their official page on Facebook to place an order and get it delivered at your doorstep.


Undoubtedly, Jewelex is one of the top silver jewelry hubs in Pakistan. Located in the center of Islamabad at the Gol Market in F-7, it is easily accessible both in store and online. Moreover, they offer all sorts of artistic pieces made out of pure silver, most often blended with gemstones and semi precious stones to create unique pieces.

Additionally, visit their store to join the bandwagon for wearing big hooped chains, bracelets and even long necklaces. Since gold can be hefty, silver is your safest bet.

Showstopper Earrings

Believe it or not, eye catching earrings have also stomped the yard before and in my opinion, this trend never stopped in the first place. However, it is safe to state that 2021 is the year when you can effortlessly showcase statement earrings in pearls, diamonds, or gold without falling prey to criticism. To get your hands on the perfect dangling earrings, I cannot recommend anyone better than Hanif Jewelers.

Hanif Jewelers

If you eye sensational jewelry pieces that are classy and stylish at the same time, there’s none better than Hanif Jewelers. Hanif Jewelers are a luxury destination for all gold and diamond lovers. Additionally, they also showcase artistic white gold pieces that speak volumes about class and sophistication.

Besides, you can find amazing bridal sets, single necklaces and other jewelry items effortlessly. However, following this year’s trend, visit Hanif Jewelers for ideal statement earrings in diamond, sapphire, gold and even white gold.

Fake it because you Rock it

Artificial jewelry has rescued us all since ages whenever we couldn’t afford real gold. Moreover, owning artificial pieces is super satisfactory because they are not expensive. Secondly, there’s no love lost if you lose them. Not too much at least.

Hence, if you want to flaunt Meenakari, Kundan, Pearl imitations or even gold plated jewelry, here’s where you can find awesome pieces at amazing rates.

Long Maalas, kundan earrings and necklaces as well as rings have always caught the eye and 2021 is not an exception. Moreover, young girls can flaunt artificial jewelry items in an ideal way.

Rabia Mustafa

Rabia Mustafa deals in all sorts of artificial trinkets. Moreover, the quality she provides is great and so are the prices. From Kundan to pearls, from studded galore to pure basics; you name it, she has it.



  1. These earrings have been fantastic! I love your videos.

    Sono molto belli e luminosi. Io li sto indossando ormai da quasi due mesi non togliendoli mai e non si sono assolutamente rovinati. Un consiglio. La chiusura non è un granchè, ne ho perso uno dopo un mesetto e per fortuna mi è successo di notte e l’ho tovato nel letto. Per ovviare al problema basta soltanto muovere leggermente, veramente di pochissimo per non romperlo, il gancetto mobile che va ad incastarsi nell’orecchino. In questo modo ci sarà alla chiusura dello stesso uno scatto più deciso nel chiuderli e a quel punto non li perderete più.

    J’ai acheté ces boucles d’oreilles suite à l’achat précédent du collier. J’en suis ravie ! Elles sont très jolies, élégantes, livrées dans un écrin idéal pour offrir. La taille est ni trop grosse, ni trop petite. Le coloris or rose est vraiment sympa et moderne. Elles sont de qualité et agréables à porter. Du plus bel effet avec le collier de la même série. La livraison est rapide. Je recommande

    J’ai acheté ces BO suite aux nombreux commentaires positifs sur ce produit.

    Elles sont effectivement magnifiques !

    Très élégantes, elles s’accorderont à presque tous les styles vestimentaires et tous les âges.

    Excellent rapport qualité/prix, un cadeau à se faire soi-même ou à offrir !

    I finally had enough and decided to try a “Kosiner hoop earring” to see if it would be a comfortable option for me to wear and hopefully keep my piercings open.

    I ordered the 9mm/1.12G earrings because I wanted a smaller sized earring in a wire gauge that would be slightly larger than my usual earring hooks/posts. I ordered the sterling silver because I have sensitive skin and was concerned about my skin reacting to the metal.

    They were a bit challenging to get them through my piercings because they’re very small in diameter so there’s just not a lot of earrings to hold onto. Also, as I already mentioned, I ordered a wire gauge that was larger than usual earring hooks/posts so I had to deal with the frustration and pain of getting the larger wire through my relatively small piercings.

    But the pain was completely worth it! I’ve been wearing the earrings 24/7 since receiving them approximately 2 months ago. There was some initial irritation because of needing to force the earrings through my partially closed piercings, but I treated it with regular cleaning and rotating the earrings so they would heal right.

    Je n’avais pas de Boucles d’oreilles pour aller avec un collier en argent sur lequel resplendit une jolie goutte mauve !…

    Je me suis offert cette paire , juste pour me faire plaisir d’ailleurs le prix de ce bijou était très attractif!!!…

    Merci beaucoup; Salutations distinguées : Madame APPRIOU Geneviève.

    There are very, very, very tiny raised spots on the earrings at the clasp and the hinge, and as my ears were healing those could hurt as I rotated the earrings through my piercings, but after my piercings healed it’s not been an issue.https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094VHDF7G

    I had originally thought I would wear these earrings for a month or so, then only put them on occasionally to keep the piercings open, but at this point, they’re so comfortable I don’t really see a reason to remove them!


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